THIS WEEK'S EPISODE: Jeremy Schaffer of Earth Groans‼️🎉
Aug. 10, 2021

Franni Rae Cash Cain of We The Kingdom

Franni Rae Cash Cain is one of the voices of Grammy-nominated worship band We The Kingdom. Formed by members of the musical Cash family, We The Kingdom has invited listeners deeper into God’s healing love and grace with songs like “Holy Water,” “Child of Love” and “God So Loved.” But for Franni, experiencing that grace came before singing about it.

Franni Rae Cash Cain is one of the voices of Grammy-nominated worship band We The Kingdom. Formed by members of the musical Cash family, We The Kingdom has invited listeners deeper into God’s healing love and grace with songs like “Holy Water,” “Child of Love” and “God So Loved.” But for Franni, experiencing that grace came before singing about it.


While growing up surrounded by the musical ventures of her father and uncle, Franni also grew up with her own experiences of ministry — and her own struggles with mental health. In this especially vulnerable and honest conversation on Trevor Talks, Franni reveals that after enduring a situation of religious abuse, she struggled with self-harm, depression, and anxious, intensely self-critical thoughts. She talks about her own process of discovering healthy, grace-filled rhythms that steady her soul. 


Franni Rae Cash Cain just celebrated a year of marriage, and recently released Live At Ocean Way Nashville with We The Kingdom. Get Live At Ocean Way Nashville:


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Trevor Tyson  0:01  
Thank you for tuning in to Trevor talks podcast where we talk to real people about real topics and real stories. Today's guest is a legend in the making. Not only is she 1/5 of the Grammy nominated man, we the kingdom but she has a wife, daughter, sister, and a real person just like you and I, if you're listening today, I believe Frannie story will not only be relatable, but even healing for us to dive into today. Here is my interview with Franny cash cane. Frannie, thank you so much for being here today.

Franni Rae Cain  0:33  
Thank you so much for having me. I'm so excited to be here.

Trevor Tyson  0:37  
You're not more excited than me, I can guarantee you that. But I'm, I'm super thrilled to just finally have this conversation. I watched some live footage of you at Rhys fest a few minutes ago, and your wife performance energy is just amazing. Have you always been that energetic? Or is this all new for you?

Franni Rae Cain  0:56  
Gosh, that's a good question. And that's so sweet of you. Um, so I always tell people, I feel like my, when you see what I'm doing live and, and what my performance looks like, it really does come from how my time alone with God, what that looks like. Like, it's, I was always very inspired by David and the Bible, when he would say that he would just dance on magnified before, before the Lord like are undignified and dignified. And I love that my name means free spirit. So freedom has always been something that I wanted to step into and embody. And I think being in the kingdom has helped push me into that even more. Because it can be vulnerable, getting in front of people, and showing them what your private quiet time with God looks like, and the freedom, the dancing and all that and I've never thought I'm a dancer. So it can definitely be very vulnerable. But it's definitely helped me step into that freedom. Even more, which is I see that as God's way of helping me seven know what he's called me to. So yeah.

Trevor Tyson  2:02  
And I love that you brought up that this is just a reflection of worship that you do on your own time. And I think that's really important. And I was reading an article the other day talking about if your worship doesn't look like it does in private, the same at church or just putting on a show. So hearing that is quite refreshing. And was that I know you said is very vulnerable for you. But were there steps for you breaking into that freedom on stage. Because you know, being in front of whether it's five people or 5000 people, this is your time with God. And you're reflecting that on the stage as a worship leader, as a performer, as someone who's just acting in their calling? What did the steps look like with getting vulnerable on stage versus in person?

Franni Rae Cain  2:48  
And well, it's interesting, I think that as children were so free, like we, we think our refrigerator art is so beautiful. We think that you know, our discoveries are so new and beautiful. And so then as we step into adulthood, we get more fearful of what people think of us. And so for me, I think I've always been really free. Like, as a little, a little kid, my mom would always talk about me just running around the house just being so free and all that. And then as I've gotten older, and especially as we the kingdom has grown, always that criticism from people that don't like my clothes, or they don't like how much I move, or they don't, you know, like how I sing or they don't, whatever, all these different criticisms. So I think overcoming that and trying to get back to how I didn't think about, I didn't think about myself when I was a kid. And I think that's something I've learned about. My husband has been reading this book called the freedom of self forgetfulness. It's by Timothy Keller, but it basically says that if you're thinking too much of yourself, which we call pride, that's still thinking about yourself. But then on the other hand, if you're self deprecating, and you, you know, pay yourself, are you constantly judging yourself and that's also selfishness because you're thinking about yourself. So I think I'm trying to overcome both sides of that, that spectrum, because it's a pendulum swinging and trying to stay true to just nothing about myself, but just being how I was designed to be since the time I was a kid and how, how God has called me to be which is that definitely is work because every time you hear a criticism, it's kind of sends you backwards. So at least it sends me out. Well, I don't want to, you know, offend anybody, but just interesting. You know,

Trevor Tyson  4:37  
you are in a band with your dad, your uncle, your brother and a close family friend. What Where did that all start? I know, your dad has obviously had an amazing career in music, being a songwriter and now stepping onto the stage with y'all as a collective. But for you personally, when did you realize that music was your passion and what you wanted to do? You felt called to do in your life?

Franni Rae Cain  5:02  
Yeah, that's a great. That's a great question. So then I'll touch on that first the band started. And we've been making music forever Martin, my brother who plays the drums, he's got hair that is longer than mine. We have a war. But definitely at this point, my extensions are out. So his hair's on guard. But he's my younger brother. And we grew up in the studio. And my dad owns a production company. And he was always producing records while I was growing up, and then Scott, my uncle, who is 11 years younger than my dad, he kind of always felt more like my big brother. But then he joined, that started working for the production company about 10 years ago. So that's how Martin I grew up just doing our homework on the back couch. And then that we I, for one, when I was really young, he needed female harmony, so hips, like, I don't want to pay somebody else to come. So he would my mom can't really sing. So he just really taught me how to do it. So that was cool. And same with us, just Martin learning how to play on stuff. And so we've been making music forever together. But we weren't playing live. It was all behind the scenes. I started writing songs in the industry when I was young. And then same with Martin, so that was behind the scenes was kind of what we always did. But we have a huge place in our hearts for young life, which is a high school ministry. That's how my parents met the Lord at young life. And same with Scott. So my grandfather was on the board, like we just had a big, a big place in our heart round like so we would play some, some gigs, just throughout the years, maybe once once or twice a year. And this one gig was in August, it was for a private school that rented out sharp top, which is a camp outside of Atlanta, Georgia. And they asked Scott they had a relationship with Scott to come play. So he just pulled out a singer all get for any you need a drummer Martin need, you know, a guitar player or whatever, pull it all us, Andrew come play keys is the band and we just the five of us. Plus, one other guy who's playing bass just happened to be the band for that week. And we went down to the hot tub on the first night, we were all kind of in a really vulnerable spot in our life, we've actually just walked through a really traumatic experience together, we walk through some spiritual abuse that and emotional abuse together in this really unhealthy church that had been going really hard. And when we left, we kind of needed each other because we were the only people that really understood that. And so we started writing songs to help us process that. And one of the songs first song dancing on the waves was something that just really touched us because it felt like a gift from God to help us process what we've been through. And so then you asked me, what was the second question? So that's how the band started. We kind of lucked into development started.

Trevor Tyson  7:54  
What about Frannie? Like you as a person? Where did this all begin for you? When did music become your passion? And you knew it was your call?

Franni Rae Cain  8:03  
Yes. Okay. So, for me growing up in the studio, that was super impactful because that taught me about the technicality of it. I am for my birthday present each year, starting when I was 13. Okay, so I guess the first memory I have of music becoming my own, I wrote this little chorus when I was nine. It's so funny. So far. It was how did it go? I think somebody said like, I heard an adult in my life, say like, I got Jesus. So I'm good. So I wrote a little chorus. And it was God Jesus. Yeah. Jesus, just silly little nine year old song. And my dad finished it out and made it into this like, awesome song. Like he wrote the verses. What was the bridge, it was like,

Unknown Speaker  8:50  
I got love it are the joy and peace and love of God flowing deep down in the soul.

Franni Rae Cain  9:01  
So we finished it out, he produced it for me, and I just loved that whole experience. It was like, right, like watching the song come alive. was super magical. So then that's kind of when I started writing little ditties. And then when I was 13, I started writing songs like real songs that were just expressions of my life. And my birthday present that I wanted for my dad each year was for him to produce a song. So by the time I was, I think I was 17. We'd almost gotten a record. For me a record done just to you know, just random songs I'd written throughout the years. We wrote one, a boy that I had a crush on in middle school asked me what my favorite food was. And so I sent him a voice memo back pVn Jay I love so just fun stuff like that. Just find songs every year he would produce a song for me. And that's when I started to really fall in love with songwriting and watching songs come alive where I learned about the technical side of that island. And a lot about logic and production and comping vocals. And it's how I watch my voice grow. But it was interesting actually, in this room that I'm in right now it's the apartment in my parents house and my dad had his studio up here for a while before he finished out the basement, I wrote this, one of my friends moved away, and we kind of had a falling out when I was, I think it was 16. And so I wrote a really sad song about that. And we were in here recording the vocals and dad turn off the lights, lit a candle, and he was like, Alright, I just want you to get in tune with like, the sadness of this note, I sing through that. So I ended up having this emotional breakdown in the middle of it, and he never hit stop, he just let me cry, though, I've couldn't even saying cried the whole way through. And he turned that vocal take down. And use of literally couldn't, the volume was all the way down to couldn't hear it. And he was like, I just want that to be a part of what shapes this song, just the heart and the emotion of it. And he used a few words that had some cracks in it from that take. And it taught me about having, it doesn't have to be perfect, it has to have your heart in it, and your emotion and how to sing from a real and raw place. And however, whatever you need to do to get there to make sure that you do that, so that it can be real. And so that was a huge moment that shaped me as a singer, to just be real. And then when I got out of high school, I went into this Missions Program with why when I went to Hawaii for my training, and then Nepal for my outreach. And my job was to lead worship for my team. When I was in Nepal, we all kind of had a duty and mine was the worship leader. And I remember being we were at this Buddhist temple. And it was just this really tragic place, like, very dark. There was a lot of just extremely poor or extremely crippled people walking around, begging for money and hoping and pray for healing or for prosperity, and it just hadn't happened their whole life. And so we would sing worship songs outside the temple. And these two girls ran up to me. And they in broken English, they said, I feel joy and peace for the first time. I've never felt this feeling before. And for me, like it was honestly hard to feel joy and peace in that country. The people were beautiful, but the culture was just so broken and dark. And I when I heard that it kind of shook me and I was like, Whoa, I've been privileged. Even though I've walked through some really hard things in my life, I've had the privilege of getting to experience the joy and the peace and the love of God. And some people have never had that. And so it really just lit a fire in me where I was like I need to, I can't waste my life. Like I've got to get out there and and help share this because it just broke it broke my heart. So I think that was a moment where it was. And then one last question. I'm sorry, I'm ranting here. One last point when I'm, whenever we wrote that first song dancing on the waves that I was telling you about, um, we just walked out of that really broken time. And so on our way down to that camp. I remember writing in my journal personally, I felt like my life was falling apart. I was so confused about God, why he let this really hard thing happened to me why?

Franni Rae Cain  13:12  
I'd had to go through all of that for a while. And I was just really angry at God. And I've been trying to be the good Crowell. I've worked so hard to earn his approval and affection. And then I was just done. I kind of just went the other way. He was like, I can't, I can't do this. I'm not going to follow you God, you know, I can't I can't do this anymore. It's too hard. And I just, I'm angry at you. And then the next night that song dancing on the waves just kind of fell out of the sky. And it was the lyric was I'm reaching out, I'll chase you down. I dare you to believe how much I love you now. So that was I really don't think that we wrote that song. I think that was a gift from God. And for me personally. That song was God just just healing my heart and showing me who he really is. So that that kind of drew me into the kingdom. I mean, I feel like if we had walked through such hard stuff together, and that song hadn't come, I don't know, if I would have naturally wanted. As a young woman, you know, I think young people want autonomy, and especially in America. So to be in a band with my dad, who's such this big figure in the industry has always been intimidating. So to be in the band, I feel like God used that song to, to give me peace about it and to draw me in and show me the purpose that he had for it. And it's ended up being this beautifully redemptive thing. So

Trevor Tyson  14:27  
yeah, and the really unique thing about y'all as a band, the songwriting style is all vulnerable. It's almost as if like, even the lyrics for the song cages, like you're stripping everything down to be vulnerable. And it's almost like it's either a journal entry or you just having a conversation with God. And it's really easy to sing along to like, obviously, if people listened to the OSHA way Nashville record that y'all just put out all of the live records like it's all vulnerable. It's almost says if, when you hear it, it was written to be declared, it was written to invite people into a spirit of vulnerability and just being honest with themselves, Is that intentional on your part? Or is it just y'all being true to yourself, and people just happen to relate with it?

Franni Rae Cain  15:18  
Thank you. That's so encouraging that, I think because we're family, or most of us are family, there's this weight that is not there from when I would call right before, even though it would be wonderful. I always felt like I had to prove myself a little bit. And so I think, being with family, it is so conversational, because we're not trying to prove anything, it's like, we already love each other, we're already family, we're in this thing together. So that takes so much of the pressure off to where the songs can just feel. I feel like we've almost had a, a license to try more things, you know, not try to be like somebody else. But it just be more honest be be how we talk to each other anyway, to try some new things. And so that's been such a blessing. I've never experienced co writing sessions, like I have with the band, it's just different. It's really different.

Trevor Tyson  16:18  
It's gonna be different specifically, because like you're with people you trust, you know, you can trust when, from a lot of friends that do the CO writes and all that stuff, the first few, maybe even hours, maybe even a day as you're trying to get to know that person understand what they're going through to be able to collaborate to create a piece of art. I can't even imagine like your dad, for instance, has been doing this for decades. He's co written hundreds of songs by now I'm sure. And it's, it's so vulnerable. Again, like you're writing out things that are on your heart, you're writing out things that are going to empower, possibly even the global church, like some of the songs that are your bigger songs were accidents, like, that's just God moving in you. He's moving within your words. And when does it when does it ever stop? Like? Do you have moments where you're just sleeping? And you have inspiration for a song? Or do you have to really get in tune with God to be like, Lord, use me in this use me in the song? If someone is out there struggling? Even if it's just one person? How can we break a barrier in their life? How can we help them find break through God even within myself? What does that look like?

Franni Rae Cain  17:34  
That's a really good question. There's this book called The War of Art that I love. And I don't think that dad and Scott have written it. But I feel like they embody a lot of what it talks about. I don't think they've read it. Sorry, not written. They, but it talks about pushing past resistance. And sometimes, sometimes inspiration comes in, that's awesome that you should, you should keep working. Even if it doesn't count, you should keep pushing. And so I always watch my dad and Scott and even Martin and answer all of them growing up data all the time, or just like would put in their voice memos. If they heard a laugh and Melody lava. Ah, they would put that in their voice memos just all the time. No, suppose they're pushing past the resistance. They're pushing past the critic inside. And after a while you just are in this open space of freedom. Your past the your own inner critic telling us long ago Oh, yeah. So I think I'm definitely still in the process of what that looks like to constantly be cultivating creativity in my life. Because it is I think it is a constant thing. I've also been reading that it should be a constantly I've been reading that book, the artists way, by Julia Cameron. And she talks a lot about it's not a Christian book, necessarily, but a lot of what she's talking about, to me, it really resonates with my faith. She talks about opening yourself up to the great artists to the Creator, who I know is God Jesus, and letting him pour into me and inspire me. So one of the other things we talked about in the band is being not a song not contriving songs, not necessarily a songwriter, but a song receiver. Just it's all around you. Have you seen that movie August Rush? Yeah. So it's kind of that like you would hear music and the train tracks or in just constantly being aware of all of the music that's happening around us, and being inspired by that. And so, I think our band does that really well as a whole? I'm personally so learning what that looks like. Because I think, I wonder sometimes if out of everybody in the band, I probably had the biggest inner critic. I don't know if that ties into like, the personality thing or any grant, I got to have a really strong six wing on the Enneagram. So I've got a big, a big a lot of inner critics. So, so I really have to work through that which has been a struggle for me. And I felt a lot of resistance. I love to write and writing forever, I feel a lot of resistance with it. And sometimes it can be discouraging, but I think wherever the enemy like attacks us, the greatest is where God really wants to use us for the greatest. So that's been inspiring me to just keep pressing through it. But in our band, we've we've not really had very many scheduled co writes, I think we've only had one genuinely a lot of it comes from, like one of our songs that sing wherever I go. This is just an example. It was during the eclipse in 20 2017 or 2018. We were in North Carolina and Brevard was one of the Brevard North Carolina was one of the places where you could view the eclipse the most so we drove we were Eddie unlike can't drove to Brevard, the eclipse happens. And as we were driving and it was turning dusk, in the middle of the day, it was getting dark. Somebody I think Andrew started like drumming on the car seat like this drum. And then somebody's saying, like, Oh, I'm gonna go. And we just wrote it there in the middle of Eclipse. And then after the Eclipse, we could hear chickens at a local farm crowing at what do they say crowing? Like 4pm In the afternoon, because they're trained when the sun comes up to crow. So we wrote about creation, pull that in. And it's just fun, because we never really plan it. It's just whenever we all get inspired, or in a rehearsal like child of Love came in the middle of a rehearsal, we started playing those chords, and then I sang out the melody and then you know somebody else saying Child of God, but I heard it child of love. So then we sing on top. We're like, that's cool. We should write that. So we finished it out. And it's just, it's fun. I feel like it's never contrived. It's never felt contrived up to this point. And I hope and pray that it stays that way.

Trevor Tyson  21:59  
And you talk a lot about reading. And you also talk about obviously vulnerability, which we've hinted on a ton, which is important. Have you ever found yourself struggling with mental health? And how did you work through that?

Franni Rae Cain  22:12  
Oh, gosh, yes, I actually, it's speaking of vulnerability. Mental health is something that I'm not quite opened up about yet. I mean, I'm now getting to a place where I want to start talking about it more but I've almost felt like I still struggle with it. And so So talking about it can feel like one not there yet. Like I'm not conquered it yet. So it can feel kind of weird to be giving advice. Somebody told me I've opened up a little bit about my struggles and he said you need to talk about that on stage. And I was like, I can't I'm not like you know there yet, but I think I'm learning more about just being open about it is gonna help other people know, like, we all to some degree struggle with in our mental health and to learn how to get to a place Yeah, I've been I've really struggled and I used to, to really struggle with with self harming, especially when we came out of that really dark time, in that show that a spiritual abuse we went through I was I really struggle with that. And that was, that was really sad. To look back on now and see and then I think I'm always kind of having to keep an eye on the depression or the anxiety, both of them, I can kind of swing back and forth. And, but something that I was at a church the other day, and this lady, I was talking, she gave me a devotional and I said, Oh, this will really helped with my anxiety. And she said, Don't Don't call your anxiety. And I got offended. I was like, that's my story. Like, you don't know what I'm going to you know, at first and then I thought about it. And this is not the case for everyone. By the way, some people have like different like an actual mental, chronic, you know, medical thing with anxiety but for me personally, when she said that, it hit me because I was like, wow, yeah, like, if I don't eat that I'm gonna get hungry. If I don't sleep, I'm gonna get tired. If I'm not spiritually fed, or if I'm not you know, doing stable in my lifestyle of the WWE, the kingdom, there's a lot of transition, there's a lot of traveling, there's a lot of change. So sometimes I can easily slip into a depressed headspace where I just have hard time getting out of bed or have a hard time doing anything. And so I realized I was like, okay, that's not like me. Having this this medical condition, it's just like, Oh, I just need to go, be alone or go on a walk or go. So I'm learning about healthy rhythms to just not feel like it's this crazy thing that's overtaking my life, but just to keep an eye on and keep a check on it. Give myself grace and learn these healthy rhythms to to stay healthy, and it's healthy. It's awesome in the pan. I just actually opened up with them a couple weeks ago about how touring can sometimes really take a toll on my mental health and yes, now that they know that They've been able to really help keep an eye on me and, and help me stay safe if they notice, I'm like, kind of being a reclusive, they'll pray for me or keep talk to me. And that's been beautiful to have people that have helped me, you know, become more healthy. So I'm very grateful for that.

Trevor Tyson  25:18  
Yeah. And y'all as a band go through counseling, right?

Franni Rae Cain  25:22  
We do. Yeah. And would you go to counseling? How,

Trevor Tyson  25:26  
like, You got married this year? Congratulations, by the way, your husband facing musician as well? It is? How has that affected your mental health? Like I would imagine it has a positive effect. But you also have to learn how to live with somebody. And then on top of being around your dad and your brother all the time? Like, How has being married? benefited your mental health or just helped you become more of a positive person? And or are there any things that you had to work through that you weren't expecting?

Franni Rae Cain  25:56  
That's a really good question. Um, marriage has been a huge gift. For me, we just celebrated our one year anniversary. And I think just having someone who experiences every, like, almost everything that you experience, is, it's almost like a perfect way for someone to see through your lens, because he sees how I interact with my family, and then how I interact around my friends. And then the toll that sometimes work and take or how life giving it can be. So he sees all of that. And I think that having someone there to, to pray for me to know what I'm going through without me having to necessarily catch them up. Or just to be able to give me that grace. And Austin is such a he's such an upbeat, wonderful, joyful, healthy, stable person who's has so much wisdom. And he's so kind, I think, one thing that I've really loved about him is he really, he really lives out that scripture to believe the best about people. And in a way I've seen so many people flourish, and blossom, all his friends, because of the life that he speaks into them. He likes, I think also sees people the way that God sees people. And so I think he's seen me that way. And it's helped me step even more into being that person. And so that's been, I want to be more like that to people. I want to see them the way that God sees them. I want to speak life over people and, and just, it's like, he doesn't even he's not even trying to speak like, he just he just does. He already sees them like how they should be. And then they're like, oh, I can be that way. And so I felt that way. So in terms of my mental health, that is definitely lessened. Since I've I've been married for sure that the mental health struggles have definitely calmed down. And yeah, and like I used to be alone when I would have panic attacks. And now I have somebody and at first that was awful because I don't want you to see me dealing with this. But now it's just the coolest thing because he can help me remember like, oh, just breathe or just, you know, all these cool, it's just it's a huge gift. It really is pod was so good to give us the institution of marriage is really a beautiful thing.

Trevor Tyson  28:01  
Yeah, and I'm glad we got to talk about panic attacks, mental health and such. Like, I've slept on the buses done the events, like, I've puked behind stages, like, you know, it's, it's a whole thing and people realize they're like, It must be nice to go tour and do one show and just sleep and all this stuff. We're number one, when you're on a tour bus, you may sleep but you're not really getting good rest. And then having to stand up on stage in front of people is very vulnerable. Especially like for myself, I talked about mental health, my journey with anxiety and overcoming panic attacks and such to chase the calling that God's given me. And it's, it's vulnerable, but it's also hard like you're away from your family. You can't necessarily take your animals with you and that's, that was fun. I miss my dog. Like it's funny. Your name is Frannie Ray. My dog's name is Fredo Ray. I named him the middle name after my best friend Ray. Shout out to Ray.

Franni Rae Cain  29:00  
That's so sweet. Fredo Ray

Trevor Tyson  29:03  
Ray he has his own Instagram page. He's he's quite famous. He's what kind of dog he's like a happy on mixed with St. King Charles Cavalier here I'm going to show you and if people are watching on YouTube, they can see it as well. Like he's just the cutest thing in the world. Look at this. Let's see. He's the best.

Franni Rae Cain  29:26  
Oh my goodness. crochets says

Trevor Tyson  29:28  
he's gonna make it next month and I'm excited about it. But like, animals are so grounding like, they love you, Class everything and my dog I would even go as far to say he loves me the kingdom but I'll let him speak. I got to meet him. Yes. It's just encouraging to hear your story and what God's done in your life personally and thank you for being vulnerable and even talking about the self harm aspect of things that can be so hard and I know firsthand like God can work through that he can work through your moaner. And not that he let us go through that, like, we go through things but he can help us work through it navigate life and it's just a never ending cycle of we're gonna have our ups we're gonna have our downs. But at the end of the day, like y'all say a lot, we're a child of love by Come on. And I love that you said at first it was child of God, our God is above so therefore it still is. God. We're navigating through that maybe somebody's listening and they're not a believer, they stumbled across this episode. By accident, your child of love Whether you know it or not, God loves you so much. And that's what y'all is the music that goes and for the last thing I wanted to ask is, what's next for you for any? Like you have books you love writing you love music, write a book, like are you just going to navigate this personal piece of your life and mental health? And it doesn't have to be big and glamorous. I feel like everybody's like, Oh, you got to have something to top the next thing. That's not it. Right? What's next for Franny Ray, cash cane.

Franni Rae Cain  31:08  
Oh, that's so sweet. So, I think that right now, I'm trying to find healthy rhythms in the middle of a busy touring schedule. The tour bus, like you said earlier, it's not what I imagined it would be like, and it is really hard. And so I'm trying to figure out just how to be healthy in that in that way. This year, I actually do really want to write a book. So that's so fun that you brought that up, I have a couple of different ideas for books that I'd be really excited about. So yeah, and then we're writing is just sort of writing for our next project. So I've got some ideas in my head for some some new songs. We're working on a Christmas project right now. So I just cut vocals on one of those songs. And then I'm really excited to keep writing for our next record is going to come out next year 2022.

Unknown Speaker  32:02  
So that's fun. I

Franni Rae Cain  32:03  
think writing is is a cool process. Because I think Brooke ledger, Ledger wood, as I say, from Hillsong, she said something about whatever you put in is going to come out. And so that is yes, eating but also writing whatever you're reading or thinking about whatever you're being inspired by whatever you're observing, that's going to come out. So writing is this cool process of like, creatively eating something, and then putting it out in your own way, expressing your own way. So it's kind of cool to do to do that. It feels like you're, you're really growing, it feels like you're contributing to the world in some way. It's a really cool process. So I'm excited to get back into that because I think with the busyness of touring, we stopped writing as much it was really hard. But now we're starting to again so I'm excited about that and also just dislike also just keeping my marriage healthy, like learning how to have fun with Austin. We last night, we went on a double date with my brother Martin, who's in the band and his girlfriend, Sarah, who's awesome. They just started dating almost a year ago. And then Austin I went out we did a we went to a hibachi grill. And even though that like show never gets old, the like volcano onion book. It is so much it just never gets old even though they never change it. It's so mesmerizing. So we were like having the time of our life. And then we took we got these scooters almost like bird scooters. But you don't have to like pay for like, you know, they're not they're not owned by Bird. They're like our scooters. Yeah. So we're gonna take them on tour. So I put some in my car and then we went through, like so dumb, which is like to have fun, getting to know them and went through a car wash on our scooters. It was like

Franni Rae Cain  33:53  
so fine, it was hilarious. And he was the rate like the water and we got soapy. Like, it was hilarious. So just having fun, you know, keeping having fun with friendships doing doing fun stuff like that. So that's, that kind of brings me like that kind of stuff. You know.

Trevor Tyson  34:13  
I love that I love fun at what I am declaring is the tail end of this pandemic, Lord, no more shutdowns. No more that. Got cool. But Frannie this has been awesome. Thank you so much for just opening up with us and sharing about the music and your life. being personable with us and I just want to let everyone know, go get the new record. It's amazing. It's phenomenal. I can't wait to hear what is coming next we're going to link your social media and the links for Spotify, Apple music and everything in the description below. But where can people find more about you for any?

Franni Rae Cain  34:51  
It was so about me that my Instagram is primarily where I like to put all my funny videos. I disabled my instinct. Boom Back in the spring for a while, and when I got it back everyone said the one thing that they missed the most was my funny Instagram videos so if you like funny Instagram videos I guess I have some of those but um so that's that's probably where he probably but then we the kingdom Instagram as well that's where we take the most I'm not as great with Facebook so I I post on Facebook but Instagram is where you can really find a lot about us as a band and our daily interactions stuff about production studio stuff what we're working on to the tour bus so that's that's a fun way to keep in touch with us for sure.

Trevor Tyson  35:36  
That's awesome. And like I said, we're going to link that stuff in the description below. If you're watching on YouTube. Be sure to subscribe if you're listening anywhere else be sure to give some follow. And we just want to thank you really safe as usual for making this episode happen for any again, it's been a pleasure, everyone go check out that new way the kingdom project will follow him on Instagram on all social media platforms. Be sure to stay tuned for some more amazing stories from real people just like you and I. So we love you. We can't wait to talk to you guys next and we'll see you next week.

Transcribed by

Franni Rae Cash Cain Profile Photo

Franni Rae Cash Cain

Franni Rae Cash Cain is 1/5th of the Grammy Nominated Christian Band, We The Kingdom.

We The Kingdom is a multigenerational family of musicians including producers and songwriters Ed Cash (Working with artists like Chris Tomlin, NeedToBreathe, Bethel Music), Scott Cash, Franni Rae Cash, Martin Cash and Andrew Bergthold.

The members of We The kingdom have been involved behind the scenes in songs that have been sung around the world and now are ready to tell their own story first hand.

Their sound is a blend of worship, vulnerability and grit that is birthed out of decades of musical influences and a shared difficult experience that brought them together as a band. Their debut EP is out fall 2019.

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